Introduce Quicksnap - Bribe Marketplace for Snapshot Vote

Hello everyone,

This is Jaqen from QuickSnap, a permissionless marketplace for vote incentives built on top of Snapshot. Our platform enables projects using Snapshot for governance to access a vote bribe market, akin to Votium, but designed for a more generic vote incentives market.

Given that Shutter has been integrating with Snapshot for over a year now, it’s very interesting to discuss when Shutter combines with Quicksnap could transform voting behaviors and the dynamics between voters and vote buyers.

I’ve conducted a thorough analysis to understand how this synergy could potentially boost Shutter’s adoption on Snapshot.

The integration poses some interesting possibilities, which is something for good.

  • Potential increase in Shutter adoption.
  • Vote buyers may be more inclined to allocate funds for rewards.
  • Encourages a higher turnout of token holders to vote

Excited to hear your ideas on how QuickSnap and Shutter together could make voting more fun and get more people involved. Let’s talk about making things better for everyone!

Here is the deep dive article if you are interested to read more :

Quicksnap X account :


Thanks for the intro to Quicksnap.

As it looks like the codebase isn’t open-sourced, it is a bit difficult to trust this.

Thanks for the comment!

Hey, I’m all about that open-source life too! Just so you know, QuickSnap’s smart contract is open for everyone to peek at. And we’re using a Merkle tree to keep things transparent and legit with vote validation and rewards. This architecture allows for independent validation of both the voting integrity and the equitability of reward allocation.

regarding the rest of our tech stack – the frontend and backend parts – we’ve chosen to keep them closed source for now as we just launched the product


Yes, also the audit report mentions the contracts repo, but it is either removed or private now.

Yes, the repo for our smart contracts has been made private. However, you’re encouraged to review the smart contract directly on the blockchain, which is the version currently in production.


@jaqen Thanks for the introduction to Quicksnap and for sharing your ideas about potential collaborations between Quicksnap and Shutter.

A couple thoughts:

  • Quicksnap reduces the integrity of the voting and governance process - which is contrary to Shutter’s vision and mission.

  • DAOs (or anyone else) can incentivise token holders to vote regularly by providing an airdrop to those who do so.

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I think this is a great idea. Since its permissionless not only the project can incentivize but also other participants can add incentives to the proposal.

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